Bandon Designs Featured Artisans Filmed for Oregon Coast Documentary: German filmmaker, Henning Rütten, recently visited the Pacific Northwest to film a documentary about the Oregon coast for Mare TV. This film features the gorgeous coastal scenery, with its diverse ecosystems, and also includes some of the interesting people living there whose work reflects a special connection to the sea. Bandon Designs Featured Artisans, wood sculptors Philip Clausen and Brian Vorwaller, were among those filmed.
Local Artisans in
New Documentary!
Click HERE to read Amy Kreitzer's article in Bandon Western World.
Click HERE to view the documentary now!

Oregon wood sculptor, Philip Clausen (L), assisted by Brian Vorwaller, at Whiskey Run Beach. Filmmaker, Henning Rütten (R); Jörg Hammermeister, camera, and Stefan Tuchel, sound. Photo courtesy of Zada Vorwaller.

Oregon wood sculptor, Philip Clausen, with his carved wooden bathtub.

Oregon wood sculptor, Philip Clausen (L), at Whiskey Run Beach, near Bandon, Oregon, filmed September 2013 by German filmmaker Henning Rütten (2nd from R) for a documentary for Mare TV. Included in photo are Jörg Hammermeister, camera, and Stefan Tuchel, sound. Photo courtesy of Zada Vorwaller.
Both Clausen and Vorwaller create singular works of art, each carving executed with unique style and flair, often utilizing regionally sourced and salvaged woods, such as the Myrtlewood for which Bandon is well known, as well as other woods from the area, including Port Orford Cedar and Oregon Bigleaf Maple, among others.
Rütten and his film crew focused on Clausen's work, filming him in several area locations, from the Riverton community near Bandon, where he resides and has a workshop along the Coquille River; at Whiskey Run Beach, where he was assisted by Vorwaller for a wood salvaging segment; and various other locations, all the way South to Gold Beach.
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Bandon, Oregon, USA © 2013
Located just south of Bandon-
Design and Build Services
Serving Bandon to Port Orford
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Monolithic Design and Build
CCB# 225572